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about us

Our work Promise To Uphold The Trust Placed and bridge the social gap

Good Samaritan Association is a registered Christian non-profit foundation aimed at reaching out to the needy and ensuring the salvation of the lost.



of dedicated service


Our Vision is to create a better everyday life for the less privilege, giving them the opportunity to experience a better life on earth.


Our mission involves combating illiteracy through education, fostering health and well-being through health sensitization programs such as malnutrition and hygiene, tackling unemployment through empowerment initiatives like detergent production, and extending compassion to the needy through donations and food assistance.


1. Integrity: Upholding honesty, transparency and ethical practices in all dealings
2. Respect: Treating everyone with dignity and valuing their contributions.
3. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
4. Trust: Building and maintaining trust with stakeholders.
5. Excellence: committing to high standards in all aspects of work.


let's make a difference today

become a volunteer

We plead for volunteers around the world who can partake in this vision . Just 30 minutes or 1hour of your time will be of great importance to the organization. The lord reward you as you do this.

Donate to support

We solicit financial and material support to foster this vision. your support helps us carry out numerous humanitarian projects such as : fight against hunger , diseases , lack of education in Africa and beyond. Donate as God touches your heart.

become a partner

Together, we can make heaven rejoice by fulfilling this vision . Together, we can extend God’s love in Africa and the world at large . With your support , salvation will reach many. partner as the lord touches your heart.

recent campaign

donate to charity campaign in Cameroon





expire date

19 jun, 2023

raised funds 14%


30000 CFA



expire date

19 jun, 2023

raised funds 32%

our optimistic volunteers


Ngwa Polycap

A Cameroonian science teacher and humanitarian activist; helping men and women find purpose. Passionate about spreading the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the less fortunate.

Project manager

Na'ah Lum Brenda

A lover and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ. Interested in drawing men closer to God through music,preaching and showing love to humanity.

Resource manager

Gnambi Mohamed Yanick

A teacher and an Evangelist of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who believes that a man's relevance does not consist in how much he has for himself but how many lives he has impacted with the free gift God entrusted to him.

call to action

Fundraising For The People And Causes You Care About

Little is much when God's hand is involved. Your support helps us carry out numerous humanitarian projects such as : fight against hunger , diseases, , lack of education in Africa and beyond. Donate as God touches your heart.

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upcoming event

Come to our events for more info



Village visitation in Bafut . Join G.S.O to put a smile on the faces of needy aged parents above 80 years in Bafut village found in the Northwest of Cameroon on the 24th of March. G.S.O reaches out to them with salvation in Christ Jesus and food stuffs such as rice , oil etc. Donations for this project are current going on and a fund raising event for the project is on the 12th of March at Ideal Park Hotel ; Bamenda-Cameroon. Your $10 will put a smile on a the face of a grand parent .



Join G.S.O to put a smile on the faces of those in prisons by reaching out to them with salvation in Christ Jesus and material donations . Jesus said “visit those in prison as though you are with them “. Funds are currently raising is currently going on for this project  and a grant fund raising event is programed on the 4th of June 2023 at Ideal Park hotel Bamenda . The gospel is preached to prisoners and food stuffs such as gari, sugar and rice are shared to them . Donate today for this project .

insights and update

Our recent blog and news

Empowering Teenage Girls through Menstrual Hygiene Education and Sanitary Pad Distribution

Good Samaritan Organization prison visitation

GSA Menstrual Hygiene Campaign

GSA Back to school Program

Good Samaritan Organization Christmas Outreach

Inaugural Meeting of Good Samaritan Organization

Inspied by our journey?

we've Carried out over 37 charity projects for 2000+ people around Cameroon

©2024 Good Samaritan

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